Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yesterday we were invaded by a swarm of bees. They clustered around the garbage can and were all over the back porch. We had a lot of little ones here so we decided to call the bee-be-gone man. He came right out and when he opened the garbage can we had tons more in there - he said around 3,000! We all sat in the window seat and watched him so it was very interesting. (the pics are bad because they are through the window).

Here is the dead bees in the bottom of the garbage can. The bee man said they landed here because their queen did and they follow her. He said they might leave in a day or two -but we didn't want to take the risk. It did make me sad to see they all had to die. I was hoping he could just remove them. Oh well ...... a few made it out alive and they will find a new hive to join.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Only mom would actually be sad to have to kill the poor bees. You can't save them all. Hope you guys are having fun in CA! I want to hear how the trip went!